Artikel yang kami sajikan adalah pemahaman dan implementasi manajemen modern yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk membangun perusahaan agar menjadi perusahaan yang besar yaitu menjadi High Performing Organization (HPO). Artikel ini menjelaskan beberapa manfaat dan keunggulan dari tools manajemen terbaru dan terupdate. 

diposkan pada : 12-05-2018 15:36:19 psychology,Seminar,Pelatihan UKM, Jasa Penyusunan S.O.P  / Jasa konsultan UKM


Test tools in psychology and assessment centers continue to grow. In this modern era, the more necessary the test tools that naturally reside in the human body itself is the signature and handwriting or Graphology. Graphology is one of the methods of science on how to understand one's personality through handwriting, at the time of writing, we are influenced by the variation of our feelings both physically and psychologically. Our subconscious mind shows the emotions that exist within a person, which can vary - from fear to hate, fear to feelings of love, that is why the subconscious mind is a place for the imaginations and intuitions that are then changed into physical expression or movement. Unlike psychological tests, graphology will not become obsolete because it does not use a test question that is always updated or discriminating in terms of culture. And it does not matter what the writer speaks and writes in English. Handwriting analysis is not affected by racial, cultural, gender, or intelligence differences, handwriting analysis tends to be objective, unbiased and non-discriminatory.


Test tools in psychology and assessment centers continue to grow. In this modern era, the more necessary the test tools that naturally reside in the human body itself is the signature and handwriting or Graphology. Graphology is one of the methods of science on how to understand one's personality through handwriting, at the time of writing, we are influenced by the variation of our feelings both physically and psychologically. Our subconscious mind shows the emotions that exist within a person, which can vary - from fear to hate, fear to feelings of love, that is why the subconscious mind is a place for the imaginations and intuitions that are then changed into physical expression or movement. Unlike psychological tests, graphology will not become obsolete because it does not use a test question that is always updated or discriminating in terms of culture. And it does not matter what the writer speaks and writes in English. Handwriting analysis is not affected by racial, cultural, gender, or intelligence differences, handwriting analysis tends to be objective, unbiased and non-discriminatory.





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